"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." 
- Prov 3.5-6


Committee’s are for making fruitful, effective decisions for the smooth running of the church. The purpose of the committee meeting at the church is to reconcile divergent viewpoints and bring back to the church a satisfactory solution, also committee give opportunities for Christian growth and the development of a sense of personal responsibility. Church committee members who experience unity and consensus at a meeting become motivated lay leaders.

St. John’s MTC committee meetings are held with proper preparation, a prayerful countenance and god-directed strategies in place. St. John’s MTC provides a creative, uninhibited discussion atmosphere for its members for discovering innovative ideas for the growth of Church. The internal auditors are Mr. P.M. Mathew and Mr. Anoop E. Cherian.

Following are the executive committee members of ST. John’s MTC, Hounslow, UK for the year 2018 - 2019


Executive Committee

  • President/Vicar
  • Rev. John Mathew C 
  • Vice President
  • Dr John Thomas
  • Secretary
  • Mr Alexander Renjith Joseph
  • Treasurer
  • Mr Saji Varghese
  • Accountant
  • Mr James Varghese
  • Lay Leaders
  • Mr Philip K John, Mr Dibbin John 
  • Assembly Member
  • Mr P. M. Mathew, Adv Jacob P. Abraham
  • Mandalam Member
  • Mr Sunny Valiyakalayil
  • Choir
  • Mrs Lincy Philip
  • Sunday School
  • Mr Varughese Mathew
  • Edavaka Mission
  • Dr Suresh Samuel
  • Sevika Sangham
  • Mrs Mary Varughese
  • Youth Fellowship
  • Mr Nigel Koshy
  • Senior Citizens
  • Mr Rengy Oommen
  • Young Families Fellowship
  • Mr Mathew Samuel 
  • Guildford Prayer Group
  • Dr Elenza Jacob
  • North London Prayer Group
  • Mr Shibu Abraham
  • Oxford Prayer Group
  • Mr Abraham P. Thomas
  • Slough Prayer Group
  • Mr Anil K. Mathew
  • Staines Prayer Group
  • Mr Binu Thomas
  • Stevenage Prayer Group
  • Mr Robin P. Babu
  • West London Prayer Group
  • Mr Gijo Jacob 


  •  South East Prayer Group
  • Mr Koshy Thomas 


  • CIO Nominee
  • Mr Samuel Daniel




[Some in the questioning crowd, said the following about Jesus:] "But we know where this man is from; when the Christ comes, no one will know where he is from."

John 7:27

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